The Roles of Engineers and Management Demystified

In the world of design, engineers and management have to work hand in hand for everything to go smoothly. Both parties have to keep each other informed on what is happening in every step of designing and on the power of the components. However as much as both parties have to be in constant touch, they should not get in the way of each other’s work movements. The engineers have to fully focus on finishing their projects well and on time. Bothering the management with even the tiniest details would take away so much of their time that would have otherwise been used to do more useful things.

engineering vs manager

The management on the other hand should focus more on the running of the business. Taking care of things like the budget and the deadlines, should be their primary concern. Giving the engineers enough space and trust to finish the projects at hand within the time given will assure everyone works in peace and with confidence. It is however necessary for the engineers to let the management know of the progress of all the projects they are undertaking. This is necessary in case there is a problem that needs solving. Mitigating any complications that may crop up before they get serious would be better for everyone concerned and the organization. The management is also trusted with a steadfast flow of the finances to the engineers for everything they may need. Any financial lapses will lead to a lot of sacrifice to the functions of the engineers. Not completing the projects in time can put the whole organization at an awkward position.

The most important factor is to have the projects done satisfactorily. To make this possible, there should be ample communication between the management and the team of engineers. Conveying of every information should be done without causing any burdens to both parties. To make sure the engineers do not waste much time like going through emails looking or contacts or any other information, the management should communicate to them directly.

The management is entitled to give the designers and engineers the budget estimates. The engineers will then decide on whether the stipulated budget will be enough for the completion of the projects, taking into consideration the confines of the vendors and all the approved components. The management should keenly take into consideration all the suggestions from the engineers about the proposed budget because they need enough to finish their projects.

The management is responsible for selecting and approving the components used by the engineers and designers after budget approval.  Once work on the projects is completed, the management should again liaise with the engineers on proper documentation, use of right templates and the storage of all data about the products in the right repositories. The management is responsible for managing the approval process that will ensure only the approved projects and designs that meet all the acceptable requirements are sent for production.

In short, the management should collaborate with the engineers, approve and release all the designs. Communication should be direct and not take too much of the engineers time. The engineers on the other hand should keep the management informed on every move they make without interfering with their projects.

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via Demystifying the Roles of Engineers and Management in a Project


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